Did you know:
- The military gets personal information from high schools. At the end of every school year, the guidance counselors give your child's Social Security Number, phone number and other information to military recruiters.
- The "No Child Left Behind" Act requires them to do this or the school will lose Federal funding.
- The purpose of this invasion of family privacy is to allow minor students to be recruited at home by telephone calls, mail and personal visits.
- Call blocking doesn't stop calls from military recruiters. Military recruiters can call your child's cell phone at any time.
- Military recuiters give your child free pizza, T-shirts, X-boxes, and other goodies, use girls wearing short shorts, and hold "field trips" and contests as manipulative tactics.
- Military recuiters tell your child "If you join the Navy you can party every night," promise that your child will be paid large amounts of money when your child finishes basic training, promise that your child will never see combat or have to kill anyone, and lie to your child in every way to get your child to sign up for the military so they can make their quota.
- You might wake up tomorrow morning and find out that your child has signed up for the military because the military recruiters got to your child without your knowledge. This has happened many times.
- The same "No Child Left Behind" Act allows you to Opt-Out in two ways: you can tell your school not to release your child's personal information to the military, and you can tell the Pentagon to remove your child's personal information from the Pentagon's database.
Contact Us to Opt-Out.
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