Drug-addicted attorneys & judges
The Oregon Supreme Court approves of the use and the possession of narcotics by Oregon attorneys.
The Oregon legislature has passed criminal laws relating to the possession and the use of narcotics. With the approval of the Oregon Supreme Court, an unknown number of members of the Oregon judiciary are exempt from these criminal laws.
An Oregon Attorney Assistance Program (OAAP) was created by the Oregon Bar Association, with the full knowledge and approval of the Oregon Supreme Court. Lawyers and judges can get assistance from the OAAP with their drug habit. An unknown number of Oregon lawyers/judges have a dependency with alcoholism.
With the approval of the Oregon Supreme Court, the names of chemically dependent attorneys and judges are held confidential and shall not be released. The chemically dependant attorneys and judges are not arrested, and unlike the rest of Oregon citizens, they do not spend any time in jail.
Our jails are filled with people who have been arrested for the use and the possession of narcotics -- but not attorneys and judges.
Another example where lawyers consider themselves above the law -- another example where the courts are a participant in criminal activity.
What are your chances of being represented by a competent attorney or appear before a competent judge, when they are permitted to possess and use narcotics and alcohol at any time -- even prior to or in court?
If you are arrested on drug charges, what are the chances that the judge who is sentencing you -- and your attorney who is helping you agree to a plea-bargain -- are drug-addicted and protected by the OAAP?
Contact Us if you think you have a drug-addicted attorney or judge.
- A California attorney, who receives a second drunk driving conviction, risks losing the license to practice law. In fact, a second D.W.I. conviction for an attorney usually will result in the bar license being lifted unless the attorney enters and completes some drug treatment program. In addition, the attorney will usually be required to take courses in professional ethics as well. All of these sanctions for drunk diving will be imposed regardless of whether or not the drunk driving had anything to do with the furnishing of legal services to a client.
In California, for example, if an attorney is drunk in the law office and gives advice to a client which is correct, then the attorney has not violated the canons of professional responsibility because his advice was correct and therefore was not impaired mentally.
The Colorado Supreme Court in May 1992, suspended attorney, Lawrence David Rhodes, for three years after entering a guilty plea in the El Paso County District Court to one count of distribution of a controlled substance, cocaine. COLORADO LAWYER (Aug. 1992)
More on Lawyer Assistance Programs and Attorney Assistance Programs in:
Arkansas (more)
Georgia (more)
Montana - Suicidal Lawyers
New Jersey
New York
New York (more)
New York
- Bar President receives award for helping drug impaired lawyers
New York
- Chief Judge Appoints Commission to Target Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among Lawyers, and Judges
North Carolina
North Carolina (more)
South Carolina
Texas - 1-800-343-8527
Washington (more)
British Columbia
United Kingdom
American Bar Association, Fall 96
- Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia
American Bar Association, Winter 96
- Alberta, Connecticut, England, Illinois, Maine, Ontario, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont
American Bar Association, Spring 96
- British Columbia, California, Colorado, Illinois, North & South Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia
American Bar Association, Summer 96
- California, Nebraska, Washington
- ALABAMA: Lawyer Assistance Program, 334/834-7576, jmleslie@alabar.org
- ALASKA: Lawyer Assistance Committee, 907/264-0401, oregand@alaskabar.org
- ARIZONA: Member Assistance Program, 602/340-7334, 800/681-3057 (24-hour crisis line), diane.ellis@staff.azbar.org
- ARKANSAS: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 501/782-7294, rharrison@lcahlaw.com
- CALIFORNIA: The Other Bar, 800/222-0767 (24 hours), lggaal@aol.com; State Bar of California, 415/561-8200
- COLORADO: Lawyers Health Program, 800/432-0977 (in state only); 303/825-7076 (24 hours), lcrispelle@aol.com
- CONNECTICUT: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 860/623-9835, william.c.leary@snet.net
- DELAWARE: Lawyers Assistance Committee, 302/995-7001 (24 hours), nachama@aol.com
- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Lawyer Counseling Program, 202/347-3131 (9-5 and answering machine), lphillips@dcbar.org
- FLORIDA: Florida Lawyers Assistance, Inc., 800/282-8981 (national, 24 hours), fla-lap@abanet.org
- GEORGIA: Drug & Alcohol Resource Center, 800/289-0201; lawyer assistance committee 770/429-1499, swsm@mindspring.com
- HAWAII: Attorney & Judges Assistance Program, 808/531-2880 (24 hours), pager 808/574-9491
- IDAHO: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 208/454-2531, wellness1@worldnet.att.net
- ILLINOIS: Lawyers Assistance Program, 800/527-1233, illap@mindspring.com
- INDIANA: Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP), 866/428-5527 (24 hours), seisenha@courts.state.in.us
- IOWA: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 800/243-1533, hughgrady@home.com
- KANSAS: Impaired Lawyers Assistance Committee, 913/573-2992, amcdonald@wycokck.org
- KENTUCKY: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 502/564-3795
- LOUISIANA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Committee, 800/354-9334 (24 hours), louisianalap@worldnet.att.net
- MAINE: Alcohol and Substance Abuse Committee, 207/786-3173, kee@mymailstation.com
- MARYLAND: Lawyer Counseling Program, 410/685-7878 (24 hours), 800/492-1964 x252, rvincent@msba.org
- MASSACHUSETTS: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Inc., 617/482-9600 or 800/525-0210, bonnie@lclma.org
- MICHIGAN: Lawyers & Judges Assistance Program, 517/346-6306, 800/996-5522, blivingston@michbar.org
- MINNESOTA: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 651/646-5590, bknigge@mnlcl.org
- MISSISSIPPI: Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program, 800/593-9777 (24-hour confidential hotline), bdaugherty@msbar.org
- MISSOURI: Lawyers' Assistance Program, 800/688-7859 (24 hours and answering service), molap@mobar.org
- MONTANA: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 888/385-9119, joanbnewman@hotmail.com
- NEBRASKA: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Committee, 402/475-6527, rallan@nebar.com
- NEVADA: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 702/455-4827, GRAHAMR@co.clark.nv.us
- NEW HAMPSHIRE: Lawyers Assistance Committee, 603/224-6942, jonnh@aol.com
- NEW JERSEY: Lawyers Assistance Program, 800/246-5527 (24 hours), njlap@aol.com or Bill Kane at BARRISTER1@aol.com
- NEW MEXICO: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 505/242-6845, 800/860-4914 (24 hours, in state only), stratvert@aol.com
- NEW YORK: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 800/255-0569 (24 hours, nationwide), lap@nysba.org
- NEW YORK CITY: New York City Lawyer Assistance Program, 212/302-5787 (24 hours), etravis@abcny.org
- NORTH CAROLINA: Positive Action for Lawyers, 800/720-7257, nclap@bellsouth.net
- NORTH DAKOTA: State Bar of North Dakota, 701/746-7366 (daytime), 701/775-3701 (evenings)
- OHIO: Lawyers' Assistance Program, Inc., 800/348-4343 (24 hours), smote@hmbc.com
- OKLAHOMA: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 800/346-7889, mirandolaw@dellnet.com
- OREGON: Oregon Attorney Assistance Program, 503/226-1057, 800/321-6227, michaels@oaap.org
- PENNSYLVANIA: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 888/999-1941 (helpline), 800/335-2572, lclpa@epix.net
- RHODE ISLAND: Confidential Assistance Program, 401/421-5740, riba2@ids.net
- SOUTH CAROLINA: Lawyers Caring About Lawyers, 803/252-3663
- SOUTH DAKOTA: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 605/771-0275, mccahren@iw.net
- TENNESSEE: Tennessee Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 877/424-8527, tnlap@aol.com
- TEXAS: Texas Lawyers Assistance Program, 800/343-8527, 512/463-1453 (voice mail), afoster@texasbar.com
- UTAH: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 801/753-7400
- VERMONT: Lawyer Assistance Program, 800/633-0028 ext. 52, WbbrReis@aol.com
- VIRGINIA: Lawyers Helping Lawyers, 800/838-8358, 804/644-3212 (confidential voice mail), valhl@vba.org
- WASHINGTON: Lawyers Assistance Program, 206/727-8265, barbarah@wsba.org
- WEST VIRGINIA: Lawyer Committee on Assistance and Intervention, 304/233-1974, tindert@wvbar.org
- WISCONSIN: Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, 608/764-5844, 800/254-9154, llandmann@wisbar.org
- WYOMING: Lawyers Assistance Committee, 307/778-7663
Lazy & Incompetent Death Penalty Attorneys Throw Cases
Alabama: http://www.alabar.org/
Alaska: http://www.alaskabar.org/
Arizona: http://www.azbar.org/
Arkansas: http://www.arkbar.com/
California: http://www.calbar.org/
Colorado: http://www.cobar.org/index.htm
Connecticut: http://www.ctbar.org/
Delaware: http://www.dsba.org/
District of Columbia: http://www.dcbar.org/
Florida: http://www.flabar.org/
Georgia: http://www.gabar.org/
Hawaii: http://www.hsba.org/
| Hawaii State Bar Association
1136 Union Mall, Penthouse 1
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
(808) 537-1868
Idaho: http://www2.state.id.us/isb/
Illinois: http://www.illinoisbar.org/
Indiana: http://www.ai.org/isba/
Iowa: http://www.iowabar.org/main.nsf
Kansas: http://www.ksbar.org/
Kentucky: http://www.kybar.org/
| Kentucky Bar Association
514 West Main Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-1883
(502) 564-3795
Louisiana: http://www.lsba.org/
Maine: http://www.mainebar.org/
Maryland: http://www.msba.org/
Massachusetts: http://www.massbar.org/
Michigan: http://www.michbar.org/
| State Bar of Michigan
Membership Services Department
Michael Frank Building
306 Townsend Street
Lansing, Michigan 48933-2083
(517) 346-6326, ext. 6326
(800) 968-1442, ext. 6326
Minnesota: http://www.mnbar.org/
Mississippi: http://www.msbar.org/
| The Mississippi Bar
643 North State Street
P.O. Box 2168
Jackson, Mississippi 39225-2168
(601) 948-4471
Missouri: http://www.mobar.org/
Montana: http://www.montanabar.org/
Nebraska: http://www.nebar.com
| Nebraska State Bar Association
P.O. Box 81809
Lincoln, Nebraska 68501-1809
(402) 475-7091
Nevada: http://www.nvbar.org/
New Hampshire: http://www.nhbar.org/
New Jersey: http://www.njsba.com/
New Mexico: http://www.nmbar.org/
New York: http://www.nysba.org/
North Carolina: http://www.barlinc.org/
North Dakota: No bar association online
Ohio: http://www.ohiobar.org/
Oklahoma: http://www.okbar.org/
Oregon: http://www.osbar.org/
Pennsylvania: http://www.pa-bar.org/
| Pennsylvania Bar Association
Public Affairs Department
100 South Street
P.O. Box 186
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108
(717) 238-6715, ext. 253
(800) 932-0311
Rhode Island: http://ribar.com/
South Carolina: http://www.scbar.org/
South Dakota: http://www.sdbar.org/
Tennessee: http://www.tba.org/index.html
Texas: http://www.texasbar.com/start.htm
Utah: http://www.utahbar.org/
Vermont: http://www.vtbar.org/
Virginia: http://www.vsb.org/
Washington: http://www.wsba.org/
West Virginia: http://www.wvbar.org/
Wisconsin: http://www.wisbar.org/home.htm
Wyoming: http://www.wyomingbar.org/
| Wyoming State Bar
500 Randall Avenue
P.O. Box 109
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-0109
(303) 632-9061